Tuesday, October 30, 2018

A General Topic I Would Like to Report on

A general topic i would like to report on by the end of the quarter is probably artificial intelligence. Over the years, machines have evolved a lot, and with them, artificial intelligence have as well. Many new phenomenons happen every year, for example the painting that was painted using only AI. There are many new discoveries made using AI and technology advances so much every year that it would be interesting to see how far AI has come within the next 10 to 20 years. It's really interesting to think about what AI could do in a few years, because of how rapidly it advances. AI is also very useful because of the ability to solve problems in computer science, and software engineering. It would be very cool to see what advances could be made in computer science in the future, using AI. I also think it would be fun to do a report on AI because I do not know that much about it. AI is one of those things that many people know or have heard about, but not many know the specifics within AI, and it would be able to go into more depth on what AI actually is and accomplishes. I would also like to look at how Artificial Intelligence is used in video games, as it is becoming more advanced in the video game world as well. Many animals, people, etc. in video games today seem to be a lot more realistic than the past, and I am also interested to see how video games look in the future with more advanced knowledge of Artificial Intelligence.

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